Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Day Three - La Cienega

We had time to talk and drink tea with our friends. And play cards. They taught us some new card games and shared lots of helpful advice. Thank you!

In the afternoon we headed out to La Cienega. The community had invited us to celebrate the completion of 10 cisterns. (The municipal president donated all the cement for this project.) When we arrived they asked us to wait at the entrance to the community. A few minutes later some community members arrived with leis/malas and stretched a ribbon across the road. They showered us with confetti, we all shook hands, I cut the ribbon, lots of clapping, and then we all walked to another house for lunch. We had the traditional celebration meal - goat, salsa, beans, tortillas and coke. Delicious. The kids ran around and played freeze tag while the adults talked and tried to learn more Nahuat'l.


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