Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Organizacion Pubelo Indigena - Chiaucingo

This week some people in Chiaucingo formalized their work group and chose a name for themselves, wrote up a constitution, documented their internal rules, and applied for funds from the Canadian Embassy to build 24 cisterns. The committee invited me to share about the application process, as a consultant. We also talked about what makes a strong group and I help them verbalize/document their group's mission, objectives and potential problems. We did some "group dynamics" games, worked in small groups, worked as a whole group, brainstormed, listened to each other, and laughed together. I was so impressed with their participation and willingness to spend a significant amount of time working together. Will be interesting to see what happens.


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