There is a group of 24 people in the nearby community of Chiaucingo who got organized and turned in a project proposal for 24 cistern to the Canadian Embassy a few months ago. Last week they found out that their project was approved! They are thrilled. They invited my co-worker Manuel and I to talk with them about the next steps. One of the steps includes opening a bank account for the group. Yesterday the committee came to Olinalá and I went with them to the bank. Here they are proudly signing the necessary forms.
Then we went to the internet cafe to check their email and send the bank information to the Canadian Embassy. (This is their first time using a computer.) Finally they mailed the signed contract.
It´s very inspiring to listen to these women talk about their hopes and dreams for the future. And what they will be able to do both with the water they can store in the cistern and with their increased confidence in themselves and what they can do when they work together.
(Sitting Pot is the name of their project - they chose a Nahuat´l name.)