Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

MCC Stove - Tlecalli

Last week I visited Teticic, one of the communities where our team works. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to drive there, on what we call "jeep roads", a term Martin is borrowing from spending time in the mountians of Colorado. I accompanied our teammate Enrique to the elementary school and listened to his presentation about dry latrines. Enrique is giving these workshops to elementary students to help educate everyone on how and why to use dry latrines. Dry latrines are one way to conserve water in this area of little water. Next week we are planning to visit the community again and visit people's homes to find out how many dry latrines are in use and what condition they are in. If there is interest in building more, we will talk about that too.

Afterwards, we visited Andreas, one of the community leaders. He is in the process of building an adobe house (see pictures above.) His wife made us a delicious meal, including handmade tortillas, made on a "Tlecalli" stove. This kind of stove, one of the appropriate technologies that our team is promoting here, uses less firewood and eliminates smoke from the kitchen. It is a cleaner was of cooking. It is economical to build. It is safer because the fire is contained inside the stove, versus an open fire.



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