Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


We went to Chiaucingo again this morning with a group of community development students from Cuernavaca. The students talked with a number of people who have worked with MCC in the past and have built dry latrines and stoves. The students had a questionair with them to fill out, to help us evaluate our projects.
Our family went to the preschool to eat breakfast - to celebrate Mother's Day. We went with our friend Aquilina, one of the MCC promoters in Chiaucingo. The food was wonderful. This town KNOWS how to do hospitality! While we were waiting for the Cuernavaca students to finish their evaluations, Micah and Martin helped our friend Narciso go get water. Micah loved it! Narciso and his son walk 5 blocks with two donkeys every day to get their water. They make 3 or 4 trips each day.
The pictures above are Micah on the burro, local landscape, and Aquilina and I. If you look closely, you can see that Aquilina and I have confetti on our heads. That is because we are celebrating Mother's Day here. We continue to build relationships and make connections.



At 5:21 AM, Blogger Jen said...

I love the idea of Mother's Day confetti! Brilliant!


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