Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Friday, September 12, 2008

From Our Fridge

A friend was visiting last weekend and commented on all the "info" on our fridge.
She asked for a copy of the yellow list. It was a good excercise to type it out again.
It's from Mothering Magazine a few years ago. (I added the last 2 just for my sake.)

point out a way to be helpful
state your expectations
express strong disapproval without attacking character
show your child how to make amends
take action
allow your child to experience the consequences of his or her own behavior
sympathize with your child. be compassionate but stick to your decision
give an early warning
give specific instructions (tell WHAT to clean up)
ask your child if you can help
tackle one problem at a time
use your sense of humor
give yourself time to grow and change
be affectionate
make sure your child(ren) are getting enough sleep
use the golden rule for children - do unto them as you would like to
have done unto you
convey respect
overlook differences that don't really matter
don't do for your children what they can do for themselves
schedule family time
use "i" statements
don't reward inappropriate behavior
use encouragement and honest praise rather than blanket praise
stop and think before you act
don't make a big fuss over spills and accidents
acknowledge positive behavior
sometimes just listen and be sympathetic
be willing to change your mind
say "yes" as much as possible
get support and inspiration as a parent so that you remember you have choices
continue to think of your child as an emotional equal and figure it out
just say "no" to spanking
just say "no" to yelling



At 5:57 AM, Blogger kclblogs said...

it's on our fridge now, too! thanks!



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