Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Tlaquilcingo - August 2, 2009

I have to say that it was really hard for me to head out to Tlaquilcingo this Sunday afternoon for a meeting. But I'm so glad I did. Of course I was the first one there and it took about an hour before we started the meeting. This time the secretary passed around the attendance list without me saying anything. I asked a few questions about how they're doing. Group members shared about opening an email account and how later in the week they went to another town and checked their email. They were excited to report that they could actually remember how to open their account on their own. The secretary made a trip to Chilapa during the week to get quotes for building materials. They spent awhile talking about prices. They found better prices in Chilapa than in Olinala. So much better that they might have some left over. They are going to contact the Canadian Embassy to see if they can use the leftover money to buy some or all of the gravel for the project. (In the original project proposal, they community was going to buy the gravel.)
The discussion went well. People listened to each other and let each other talk.
And we ended the meeting with a "light and lively" called Elephant & Giraffe. Much to my surprise, everyone participated - even the "I'm pretty cool" mayor. Lots of laughter and energy. They said they're going to practice during the week. I think that means they liked it and they want to play again.

Ramis reading the contract from the Canadian Embassy to the group.

Elephant and Giraffe


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