Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Fling!

We celebrated the first day of spring on Wednesday with a big parade and school program in the center of town. All of the preschools in town (4 of them) participated. The kids dressed up in animal and insect costumes and marched around three blocks behind a float that their school had decorated. After the parade, we all gathered at the zocalo (center of town) to watch the program. A number of classes did a choreographed dance to recorded music. Micah dressed up as an elephant and his class did elephant type moves to an elephant song. Isaiah was a lion for the parade. Then he changed into his homemade tree costume for his classes’ Hawaiian-style dance. He even recited a line, along with the rest of his tree-clad classmates, at the beginning. “Tengo derecho a la vida.” (I have a right to life.) They have been talking about caring for the environment in class. We had fun. Happy Spring!


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