Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Working on a Saturday

In earlier posts I mentioned that we've been working weeks and weekends. Last Saturday municipal President Rolando invited me to a meeting in the neighboring municipality of Cualac. He asked if I could share some about we are doing here. (Helping people build cisterns, dry latrines, fuel efficient stoves and family gardens.)
The meeting lasted all day. Most of it was interesting. The community development department had collected information from each town mayor and compiled a list of needs. They want to start more greenhouses, work on reforestation, income generation, composting, water collection....to name a few. I got to meet a lot of people working with different projects, some similar to ours. I was impressed with the emphasis put on composting. Guerrero is the only state where the government still subsidizes the fertilizer that everyone uses on their corn fields. A number of people said they would rather make compost - knowing that the fertilizer is bad for the earth and that they want to take better care of the earth.
During my presentation I mentioned that our cistern molds will be in use all year. "Hmmm, I think our municipality should buy it's own cistern mold. Then we wouldn't have to wait a whole year until yours are available." commented Pres Rolando.
YES!!!! I think that's a great idea.
So we'll see what happens!


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