Familia Dyrst

We have finished our time with MCC in southern Mexico and are now living with Martin's dad in Bluffton Ohio.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

Micah fell asleep on the kitchen floor with mama cat Canela and her kittens.

Mother's Day started Sunday morning at 1am and lasted till midnight on Sunday. They call Sunday morning (1am ) "noche libre" - the night is free time when young people get together, go to houses and wish their mother's a happy mother's day by playing some traditional songs on their car stereos. One group walked around town accompanied by a live band. We could hear music during the night (very common here), but fortunately our friends waited until 6:30am to blast the music outside our bedroom window. Lots of confetti on the head, roses, and gifts. The bouquette of flowers they gave me was incredible! I did have to work a bit on Sunday, but was still able to hang out with friends, laugh, and eat some delicious food. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY - and THANKS MOM for all you do.


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